Here are the most common services that clients request.
For Developers
For Local Planning Authorities
For all stages of a development, large or small. From initial site investigations for due diligence, Local Plan allocations, planning applications and discharge of consents.
Species surveys and licencing
Habitat Regulations Assessment
Ecology support for appeals
Support on planning applications and expert witness at appeals
Strategic support for Local Plans. e.g. HRA, SANGS studies, giving evidence at Examinations in Public.
Other services
Here are some examples of other services offered
Ecological support to individuals or groups resisting a nearby planning application
Ecology surveys
Site of Special Scientific Interest consent applications
Habitat Management Plans
Negotiations with regulators
Expert witness
If the service you want is not listed here, do ask!
Clients include two large agricultural estates with a range of agricultural and residential developments, a Council and interested parties needing expert witness on various Public Inquiries, householders, residential and commercial developers.