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bat on wood


Nick carried out surveys of a uninhabited bungalow and outbuildings, finding evidence of bats.  He applied on behalf of the Care Home developer for a bat mitigation licence, using the fast-track 'Earned recognition' route.  The necessary mitigation was carried out and the Care Home construction is progressing well towards completion.  This was prior to the recent formation of Sibbett Ecology Ltd.

appeal decisionletterhead

Planning appeal / Habitats Regulation Assessment

Nick was the key witness in a planning appeal against the refusal of a development for reasons of impact on stone-curlew, a qualifying feature of Breckland Special Protection Area.  The Inspector was persuaded by his argument on behalf of the developer that the development would not have an adverse affect on the integrity of the SPA, and the appeal was allowed.  This was prior to the recent formation of Sibbett Ecology Ltd.

house in Kent

Residential development

Nick lead a team of ecologists supporting a large mixed-use development in Kent, from initial investigations and support to get a Local Plan application, to two iterations of the EIA ecology chapter, and outline planning permission, RM applications and conditions discharge.  The development is now well underway with the first houses already occupied.  This was prior to the recent formation of Sibbett Ecology Ltd.

Screenshot BNG results

Biodiversity Net Gain

Nick led a small team of ecologists to calculate the net gain of a solar farm to be built on part arable land and part grassland.  By recommending management improvements to existing grassland, conversion of the arable to grassland, and a small change in the 'red line' boundary, a net gain was achieved at low cost.  This was prior to the recent formation of Sibbett Ecology Ltd.

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